Amazon Sword Plant Care | Comprehensive Guide for Aquarists

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on caring for Amazon Sword Plants in your aquarium! Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, this article will provide you with all the information you need to ensure these beautiful plants thrive in your underwater world. From plant description and planting techniques to nutrient requirements and common issues, we’ll cover it all. So let’s dive in and explore the secrets to successfully growing Amazon Sword plants!

Overview of the Amazon Sword Plant

Description and Classification

The Amazon Sword Plant, scientifically known as Echinodorus amazonicus or Echinodorus bleheri, is a popular choice among aquarium enthusiasts. This aquatic plant is characterized by long, lanceolate leaves that resemble the shape of a sword, hence its name. With an average height of 16-20 inches, it serves as an excellent background or centerpiece plant, adding a touch of greenery and elegance to your aquarium.

Natural Habitat

Originating from the Amazon River basin in South America, the Amazon Sword Plant is accustomed to tropical conditions. It thrives in freshwater habitats with slow-moving or stagnant water. In the wild, it commonly grows in rivers, lakes, and marshes, where it has access to ample nutrients and moderate lighting.

Common Varieties

There are several varieties of Amazon Sword Plants available in the aquarium trade, each with its unique characteristics. Some popular variations include the Amazon Sword (Echinodorus amazonicus), Melon Sword (Echinodorus osiris), and Red Amazon Sword (Echinodorus red flame). These varieties differ in leaf coloration, leaf shape, and growth rates, allowing you to choose the perfect option to suit your aesthetic preferences.

Suitable Aquarium Conditions for Amazon Sword Plants

Water Parameters

To ensure the optimal growth of your Amazon Sword Plants, it is crucial to maintain the right water parameters. The recommended temperature for these plants ranges from 72°F to 82°F (22°C to 28°C), with a pH level between 6.5 and 7.5. Additionally, moderate water hardness, measured at 5-15 dGH, is ideal for their well-being.

Lighting Requirements

Amazon Sword Plants have moderate to high lighting requirements. Providing them with 10 to 12 hours of light each day is essential for their photosynthesis and overall health. Full-spectrum LED lights or fluorescent tubes are highly recommended, as they emit the necessary wavelengths for optimal plant growth.


Choosing the right substrate is crucial when it comes to supporting the growth of Amazon Sword Plants. These plants have extensive root systems that require a nutrient-rich substrate for adequate nourishment. Ideally, a substrate composed of nutrient-rich soil or clay-based planting material should be used. This will provide the necessary nutrients for healthy growth and development.

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Planting and Propagation

Planting Techniques

Before planting your Amazon Sword Plants, it’s important to prepare the substrate properly. Create a gentle slope towards the back of the aquarium, as this will mimic their natural habitat and allow for proper water flow. Gently remove any plastic pots or containers from the plants and carefully separate the roots. Plant them in the substrate with the crown slightly above the surface. Be sure to space them adequately, considering their eventual size to avoid overcrowding.

Propagation Methods

Amazon Sword Plants can be propagated through both vegetative and sexual reproduction. Vegetative propagation involves the use of side shoots or “runners” that develop from the main plant. These runners can be detached and replanted, allowing new plants to form. Sexual reproduction occurs when the plants produce flowers that develop into seeds. Collecting and sowing these seeds can result in new offspring, although this method is less commonly used.

Nutrient Requirements and Fertilization


Amazon Sword Plants have relatively high nutrient requirements, particularly for macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients are essential for their growth, leaf development, and overall vitality. Nitrogen promotes leaf formation, phosphorus aids in root development, and potassium supports overall plant health. Regular fertilization is necessary to meet these nutrient demands.


In addition to macronutrients, Amazon Sword Plants also require various micronutrients for optimal growth. These include iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn), among others. Micronutrients play important roles in chlorophyll synthesis, enzyme activities, and overall plant metabolism. If deficiencies occur, leaf discoloration, stunted growth, or other signs may become noticeable.

Fertilizer Types and Application

When it comes to fertilizing Amazon Sword Plants, using a comprehensive liquid fertilizer designed for aquatic plants is recommended. Look for a product that provides a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients. Regular dosing according to the product’s instructions will ensure your plants receive the necessary nutrients for healthy growth. Additionally, supplementing with root tabs or fertilizing tablets near the plant’s root zone can provide further nutrition.

Maintenance and Pruning

Regular Water Changes

Regular water changes are vital for maintaining water quality and preventing the buildup of dissolved substances in the aquarium. Performing weekly or bi-weekly water changes of approximately 20-30% helps remove excess nutrients and wastes, ensuring a healthy environment for your Amazon Sword plants. Additionally, water changes replenish essential minerals and maintain proper pH levels.

Trimming and Pruning

As Amazon Sword plants grow, they may require occasional trimming to maintain their desired shape and prevent overcrowding. Use aquatic scissors or pruning shears to carefully trim any excess or damaged leaves. Pruning encourages new growth and allows light to reach lower leaves, promoting overall plant health.

Removal of Old Leaves

Over time, Amazon Sword plants may develop older, yellowed leaves. It’s important to remove these leaves regularly to maintain the plant’s appearance and prevent nutrient depletion. Gently wiggle the leaf back and forth until it detaches from the plant’s base. Be cautious not to damage the crown or stem while removing old leaves.

Dealing with Common Issues

Algae Control

Algae growth can be a common issue in aquariums, and Amazon Sword plants are not immune to it. To control algae, it’s important to maintain proper lighting levels and nutrient balance. Avoid excessive lighting durations or intensity, as this can promote algae growth. Regular water changes and the use of appropriate algae-eating fish or invertebrates can also help keep algae at bay.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can manifest as various leaf deformities, discoloration, or stunted growth in Amazon Sword plants. Recognizing and addressing these deficiencies is crucial for plant health. Adjusting fertilizer dosages, providing additional root fertilization, or adjusting lighting levels can help rectify nutrient imbalances. If unsure, consulting with an experienced aquarium hobbyist or a knowledgeable professional can provide valuable guidance.

Diseases and Pests

While Amazon Sword plants are generally resilient, they can occasionally face challenges from diseases or pests. Common diseases include rot and fungal infections, which can be caused by poor water quality or physical damage. Pests, such as snails or certain types of worms, can also be an issue. Removing heavily affected leaves, maintaining proper water parameters, and implementing pest control measures when necessary can help combat these challenges.

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Compatibility with Other Fish and Plants

Ideal Tankmates for Amazon Sword Plants

Amazon Sword Plants provide an ideal environment for many fish species and can serve as a natural refuge or spawning site. Fish species such as angelfish, gouramis, tetras, and cichlids are often compatible tankmates. These fish appreciate the shelter and coverage provided by the thick leaves. Additionally, small schooling fish like neon or cardinal tetras can create a striking contrast against the lush green foliage.

Avoiding Incompatible Species

While Amazon Sword plants can be compatible with a wide range of fish species, it’s important to avoid species that may damage or uproot the plants. Certain herbivorous or digging fish, such as goldfish or some cichlids, may nibble at or disturb the plant’s roots, causing damage. It’s essential to research the specific requirements and behaviors of any potential tankmates before introducing them to your aquarium.

Benefits of Amazon Sword Plants in the Aquarium

Oxygenation and Filtration

Amazon Sword plants play a vital role in enhancing the aquarium’s ecosystem. Through photosynthesis, they produce oxygen, increasing the oxygen levels in the water. This benefits the health and well-being of the fish and other aquatic inhabitants. Additionally, their extensive root systems provide natural filtration, helping to remove excess nutrients and maintaining water quality.

Aesthetic Appeal

One of the most significant benefits of Amazon Sword plants is their aesthetic appeal. With their vibrant green foliage and striking sword-like leaves, they add beauty and visual interest to any aquarium. They create a natural and lush environment that resembles the plant’s native habitat, providing a soothing and natural ambiance.

Nutrient Absorption and Water Quality

Amazon Sword plants are excellent nutrient absorbers, helping to maintain water quality in the aquarium. As they grow, they consume excess nutrients and organic waste, reducing the chances of algae blooms and maintaining a healthier and more balanced ecosystem. Their ability to absorb nutrients also helps to inhibit the growth of undesirable plants, ensuring the well-being of both the Amazon Sword plants and other aquatic inhabitants.


With a clear grasp of the necessary conditions, planting techniques, and care essentials for Amazon Sword Plants, you’re set to foster a flourishing underwater garden. Providing the right environment and nutrients will allow these plants to prosper, adding beauty and a natural equilibrium to your aquarium. Embrace the transformation of your aquatic space into a verdant, lively paradise with the addition of these magnificent plants.

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